Technology Showcase | Technology Events
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Technology Showcase

Conference Lecture

The Viewpoint Analysis Technology Showcase is our event service where we bring a group of just four complementary, non-competitive vendors to present to an audience on a specific technology topic.

It might relate to a particular industry (e.g. a Manufacturing Technology Showcase) or an area (e.g. an HR Technology Showcase), and it might be a remote event (via Zoom or Teams) or in-person.

What makes them unique is how the participating vendors and Viewpoint Analysis work together to drive attendance - bringing the power of 5 industry brands, and a focus on educating the audience and bringing knowledge to transform their departments or businesses. 

How They Run

The Technology Showcase is run as either as a breakfast or lunch briefing and takes just two hours - ensuring attendees are getting the most from their time investment. 

In the two-hours, attendees can learn about four different vendors, with four different solutions, and how they can help them transform their departments or the wider business.

Each presenter has 25 minutes to showcase how they help customers and to put what they do in easy to understand terms. 

Raising Hand


Each event is based on a theme, or targeted at a particular audience or area of interest. We do this so that the participants can get the very most value from the showcase events. 

We run a series of showcases and we try to ensure (unless demand dictates otherwise) that we cycle through different topics on each one. As such, if the next showcase is on the topic of HR technology and is interesting to HR Directors and HRIS managers, the following topics will be in different areas of interest or sectors.

Working Together

Once we have our four technology partners in place, we are able to accommodate their specific ideas. For example, it may be that there is a particular date they would like to run the session, or a location preference (most are run remotely but can be hosted onsite). We do our best to make the event work for the presentation team.

As each vendor offers something different, it means we can work together for the benefit of all parties - that's the secret sauce and ensures that we get a broad-base of attendees from different areas.


© 2024 Viewpoint Analysis Ltd

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Viewpoint Analysis Ltd.

3rd Floor, St Paul's House, 23 Park Square South, Leeds, LS1 2ND

+44 0113 5129252

Viewpoint Analysis Ltd is a company registered in England & Wales (company number 13211084) 

St Paul's House, 3rd Floor, 23 Park Square South, Leeds, LS1 2ND.

VAT Registration Number 374 2056 05

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